Facebook Marketing Guide for Smart Business Owners – Book Review

Screen Shot 2013-11-02 at 11.02.17 AMWith the rise of social media, online marketing is becoming an increasingly important aspect of any business. This is particularly the case for the small to medium sized businesses who lack the financial muscle of the large corporations. Even individuals in today’s increasingly atomized job market need to pay a lot of attention to their personal brand, and for that purpose social media is a Godsend.

This very short e-book focuses on Facebook marketing. Facebook is still by far the largest and the most influential online social media site, and no business can afford not to have a vibrant Facebook presence. This book is primarily intended for the Facebook marketing newbies, and it helps you get from no Facebook presence to a viable marketing strategy in the shortest time possible. This is not yet another jargon-filled fluff piece. It is a very well written and informative book that contains a host of useful tips and strategies. Almost every suggestion is followed by several illustrative examples. These are truly very actionable pieces of advice, and even the seasoned Facebook veterans will pick up a tip or two from it.

Strongly recommended.


Bojan Tunguz

Bojan Tunguz was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which he and his family fled during the civil war for the neighboring Croatia. Over the past two decades he has studied, lived and worked in the United States. He is a theoretical physicist with degrees from Stanford and University of Illinois. Tunguz has taught physics at several prominent liberal arts colleges and has been writing about physics, science and technology for more than a decade. He also has a wide spectrum of interests, and reads and writes about current events, society, culture, religion and politics. Over the years he has reviewed many of the books that he has read, and posted his reviews on various online outlets. In 2011 he had become a top 10 reviewer on Amazon.com, where he continues to be very active. Aside from reading and writing, Tunguz enjoys traveling, digital photography, hiking, and fitness. He resides with his wife in Indiana. You can follow my review updates on the following pages as well: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tunguzreview Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tunguzreviews Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104312842297641697463/posts

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